The teachers actively help most older toddlers to become fully toilet-trained by age three. Double-layered training underwear is especially helpful. Please dress your child in clothing that is easy to remove and enables him/her to be independent and use the toilet by him/herself.
While it is not mandatory that a child be completely potty-trained prior to entering preschool, it is helpful that the child come dressed in pull-ups at age three (3).
Routine Outside Play
Outdoor play is an important part of the daily curriculum and provides multiple benefits:
- Outdoor play relieves stress and reduces anxiety.
- Physical activity increases strength and coordination.
- Children learn leadership, cooperation and problem solving skills.
- Children develop an appreciation for nature and become more aware of their environmental surroundings
- If a child is well enough to come to the Center, he/she is well enough to go outside. Children play outside daily when:
- Temperatures are at or above 28° F with consideration given to the wind chill factor.
- Temperatures are at or below 90° F with consideration given to the heat index. There is light precipitation (e.g. snow flurries, drizzle).
When the weather is inclement, the children will play in the preschool room.
In the spirit of cooperative learning, Center personnel and parents have a shared responsibility to foster the health and well-being of each child. It is the parent’s responsibility to send children to the Center appropriately dressed for outdoor activities. All children should wear hats, mittens/gloves, long pants and coats (boots in snowy weather) when going outdoors in cold weather.
Water Play
In warm weather, children may go swimming in a wading pool or play in a sprinkler. If a wading pool is used, the water will be less than eighteen inches in depth. The pool will be emptied and disinfected after each use and will be made inaccessible to children when not in use. The required ratio of adults to children will be met at all times. Parents will provide a bathing suit and towel which will be taken home and laundered after each use. Parents must give written permission for their child to participate in water play. This permission is updated annually, or at the parent’s request.
Treats for Birthdays and Special Occasion
Treats for Birthdays and Special Occasion
Parents may bring in treats to share for their child’s birthday; however, these treats will be sent home in the children’s cubbies. Watoto Wazuri Learning Center cannot directly serve food that is brought into the Center by individuals not on staff. The older classrooms acknowledge and celebrate birthdays through songs, games, and other planned activities. Parents are asked to distribute party invitations at the Center only if all of the child’s classmates are invited.
Seasonal Concerts and Games
At the end of each season (winter, spring, summer, and autumn), kids will participate in fun activities. The activities include:
- Singing
- Poems
- Games
- Party
The activities will showcase what children have learnt throughout the season. Parents are highly encouraged to participate on this incredible day. An invitation will be sent as a reminder for parents. Every year, the center will release its calendar and will mark special days for parents to plan accordingly.
Late PickUps
If your child is picked up after closing time, an additional fee of $10.00 for the first five minutes, and $1.00 for every minute thereafter will be charged. This fee is due before on Fridays. If there are repeatable late pick-ups, your child may be withdrawn from Watoto Early Learning & Child Care.
Days | Hours |
Monday | 7AM – 6 PM |
Tuesday | 7AM- 6PM |
Wednesday | 7AM – 6 PM |
Thursday | 7 AM – 6PM |
Friday | 7AM – 6PM |
FYI: All National Holidays close. One week of maintenance and summer break in July. During this week, the site will be closed for proper maintenance before the school year starts and our scholars will go on a one week summer break.