The Team

Victoire Pilipili Mayele

Founder and Executive Director of Watoto Wazuri Learning Center. Victoire and her Family arrived in Cleveland, Ohio in 2014 as refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo. She Earned her high school diploma from John Marshall IT and pursued her Bachelor’s degree of Human Development and Family Science at The Ohio State University.

Upon arriving in Cleveland, Victoire and her family experienced a challenge in the US childcare system. This challenge motivated her to peruse higher education to bridge the gap that refugees and immigrant families face while looking for childcare for their children.

Fun fact: Married and a mother who speaks multiple languages.

Mayele Degaule Ngemba

Director of Operation of Watoto Wazuri Learning Center. Mayele and his family arrived in Cleveland, Ohio in 2011 as refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo. He is a graduate of Lincoln West High School and earned his Bachelor’s in Political Science, Urban Studies, and Master’s Education from Cleveland State University.

Mayele is a husband to Victoire, father, and a Swahili teacher at John Marshal High School.

Fun fact: Speaks multiple languages, soccer and volleyball coach.